Sick of staring at the blinking cursor with no idea wtf to write on your website?

Let me show you how to write your website copy that opens the wallets of your dream clients and has them rushing to join your email list

Writing the copy for your website can be daunting.

You want to write amazing copy that your dreamiest clients are drawn to, but you have no idea what you need to say and where to even start. After all, you started your business to do *your* thing, and it’s hard to figure out what to write to tell people about it.

You have to think about what pages you need, what each page needs to include and how to tie it all together, but that blinking cursor is just staring back at you, laughing.

And trying to slot your copy into the spaces on your website template seems kinda impossible, since none of the spaces seem to fit what you have to say.

Yep, I get how hard it can be!

Epic website copy will get have your dreamiest website visitors flocking to get your emails and work with you.

  • You’ll know exactly what needs to go on your website and where you should put it, so you no longer need to worry about the your buddy, Blinky-Cursor

  • Your readers will be able to see at a glance how you can help them and will always know what they need to do next when they’re visiting your website

  • You’ll save a ton of time stressing over how much to write, if you need that extra page, have you communicated your value well… Bascially #AllTheThings!

Let’s get you unstuck!

Ready to make writing your website copy easy and fun?

Introducing Website Copy Magic, your guide to creating website copy that wins hearts and opens wallets!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Find your voice, which makes writing your website copy so much easier!

Map out your website so you know exactly what you need to include where

Write killer Home, About, Service and Contact pages that leave your visitors wanting more

Decide what other pages you need on your website and what to include on them

Get plenty of copywriting tips that will get your visitors taking action

And the best part?

The copywriting guide will help you avoid *blank-page-itis* and actually get it done!

Here's what they're saying about Blogging for Business...

  • "I didn't have a website and was feeling a bit daunted and had no idea where to start. This was really helpful for me to start mapping out a structure for my website. You've given me so many great ideas, thank you!"

    Kathleen, Parent Coach

  • "This was so practical and helpful. I've finally done a big update on my website thanks to your great advice. I love it!"

    Alice, Health Coach

  • “One of my favourite parts of working with you was the copywriting guides since I had the opportunity to really rethink my brand strategy”

    Sarah, Wellness Coach

Website Copy Magic is for you if:

✔ You’re a service-based business or course creator

✔ You’re great at what you do, but don’t know how to communicate that on your website

✔ You’d love to finally get your copy done-and-dusted and actually *on your website*

✔ You love actionable steps and diving into all the tricks of the trade

Website Copy Magic isn’t for you if:

✘ You don’t have a website and don’t plan on getting one anytime soon

✘ You’re want someone else to write your copy for you

✘ You’re ok with spending weeks figuring it out or just typing the first thing that comes to mind

✘ You like pushy sales tactics and false scarcity and want them to be big part of your website

Our website should be one of the best marketing tools for our business, especially since clients are more discerning than ever.

Epic website copy helps you stand out, share your point of view, communicate how you can help you dream clients, and highlights just how good you are at what you do.

Let’s save you the stress of the blinking cursor and get your website copy writing in an easy and strategic way that calls in your dream clients and books you clients!

Join now for just $127

Hey there, I’m Jessica!

I’m here to make the internet more beautiful (and profitable!) for coaches, consultants and course creators.

The first time I wrote my website copy, it took me 4 full days and it was TERRIBLE! After years of experimenting and learning, I can now write copy for a page in an hour or two, and it connects with my favourite clients oh-so-much more!

That’s why I love sharing my templates and process with clients!

When I’m not in my design cave, you’ll find me wrangling my 2 little kiddos, making something creative, baking sour dough or curled up with coffee and a good book.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are 7 bite-sized, actionable videos that will take you a little over an hour to watch. My clients and students usually tell me it takes them an afternoon to actually write them copy from there.

  • How does straight away sound? When you sign up, you’ll get an email within minutes inviting you to the course platform, so you can dive right in

  • How does as long as it exists sound? Once you purchase, you’ll have access for as long as I run the course, along with getting your hands on any updates that I make in the future

  • That’s totally ok! You’ll have a blank slate to start from and can write your copy right the first time, so you’re website will be much more effective when you finally do launch it!

  • You betcha! By finding your voice, creating a plan for your website and taking time to write strategic copy, you can refresh your website so you’ll get much better results drawing in your dream clients

  • Sure will! No matter what platform your website is on, you still need great copy if you want to win the hearts and wallets of your dream clients.

  • I’d love to hear from you! You can reach me at I’ll respond within 2 business days