2019 Annual Review - The Year of Self-Belief
Firstly, let’s start this by saying Happy New Year! 2020 is here, and I can tell it’s going to be a good one!
I've been spending some time reflecting on the year that has just passed, and wow, what a year 2019 has been!
I've been feeling all the feelings this week, but mostly, I'm filled with gratitude. For the support of my husband as I started and grew my business. For all that I've learned this year and the new experiences I've had. For taking a chance and believing in myself.
And especially for you.
Thank you for all the support and friendship you've shown me this year. For reading my blog, watching my lives, the messages cheering me on. A huge THANK YOU! I will be forever grateful to you for being part of my journey! 💕
As I've been reflecting on the year that's just passed, I've also been thinking about the new year and all everything that I want to do (you can read more about how I set my goals and plan for the year here).
I'm crazy excited for what 2020 holds and can't wait to share more with you!
My business coach, Gemma, wrote an awesome blog post last year about completing an annual review, and I wanted to share some of my annual review with you.
I’m looking at:
What went well and why
What didn’t go so well and what I learned from it
What I’m working towards in 2020 and
My words for the year
Let’s get started!
What went well in 2019?
Starting a Facebook group. This challenged me to show up daily, practice going live, and to connect with more women who I can support to grow their business. And it's been a lot of fun along the way! I love the friendships I've made in the group and am so excited by the community we have been creating in there!
Saying yes to opportunities to get in front of other audiences. I've always been shy, but in 2019 I challenged myself to say yes to opportunities that came my way. I've now participated in an online summit, been a guest on a podcast and gone live in other Facebook groups, and it's made me more confident in many areas of my business
Committing to regular content. I blogged consistently for a big part of the year, and it's now starting to really pay off with the increase in traffic and leads that I get through my website. I've also been quite consistent with going live in my group and sending emails here. I enjoy sharing value when I can and will keep doing this throughout 2020
Working with a coach. During my time working with Gemma, I was challenged to put myself out there and to stop getting caught up in my head. This offered me a lot of growth and I feel completely different to even a few months ago. I gained a lot of clarity from our calls, and even have a sales process now, which I never thought I needed before
Improving my mindset and confidence. I never felt like I really had any mindset blocks until I really started to focus on them so I could grow my business. It’s amazing how many came up! I’m not a woo-woo person, but by addressing these mindset gremlins that have been coming up, I’ve built confidence and learned to trust and fully believe in myself. And this is confidence coming completely from within. I’m stepping into my power and it’s paying off. I’ve gained more traction in my business even with doing a lot less and my energy has completely shifted!
Getting comfortable with going live. This kind of ties into a couple of the other items above, but deserves its own mention. I NEVER thought I would go live, let alone enjoy it, but I actually do now. I'm not always good at it, but it's helped me hone in on my messaging and how I talk about what I do, which has helped on sales calls
What didn't go so well and what did I learn?
Balance. I started my business for more flexibility and family time, but I've struggled with the balance. Turns out I can be a bit of a workaholic when I'm doing something I enjoy, and don't always switch off easily. This has impacted my sleep a lot, which has impacted pretty much every aspect of life
Health and fitness. Between a lack of sleep and Toby starting daycare, we've spent half the year sick. I also haven't managed to get into a fitness routine after having an emergency caesarian for his birth. This has meant my physical energy has been lower than ever. Sleep and fitness will be massive focuses in 2020
Rate of business growth. Being home with a toddler each day, getting sick, and returning to work part-time have all meant that my business has not grown at the pace I would like simply due to not having more hours to work on it. This has been a big frustration but has also pushed me to get clear on the tasks that will move me forward
Growing my email list. I set an ambitious goal for my email list growth, but never really created a plan on how I would make it happen, so I missed my target. I also created freebies based on what I wanted to create, with no thought of how they fit into the bigger picture of my business, so they haven't moved me closer to my goals overall
What am I working towards in 2020?
Getting great results for my clients. I love helping my clients by creating websites that look great and sell their services. This means I'm always learning new ways to make sure a website converts, testing new design tricks and improving my coding and copywriting skills. I'll also be reviewing my processes to create an even better client experience
Getting visible. I've set big visibility goals and want to guest present in 12 Facebook groups, do 12 guest blog posts, and be on 12 podcasts. I'll also go live more in my group and will be posting on social media again. I have a few things lined up already, but if you'd like me to share tips to grow your website with your audience, hit reply and let me know!
Reading. I've struggled to finish books since I fell pregnant, but I've always loved reading, so this year I'm aiming to read 12 books. Most of these will likely be business and self-development books, but I'll mix in some lighter reading too. I have a few chosen already, but I would love to hear what your must-reads are!
Launching digital masterclasses. I had some great feedback in my audience survey that you would like to see some digital masterclasses on topics like blogging and SEO. I have 2 masterclasses mapped out and will be spending some time creating these, and have ideas for more if these are successful
Self-care. Taking more downtime, getting more sleep, spending time with family, eating well and moving more... Pretty much just looking after myself a lot better. This is a huge priority for me in 2020, and I actually have a few goals in place that will help me to make this a reality
My themes for 2020?
Visibility, Focus and Growth.
Stepping out of my comfort zone, showing up consistently, putting myself out there and trying new things. But also getting super focused on the actions that will challenge me and help me grow the most, and cutting out all the extra, irrelevant and time-wasting things!
I'm so excited to see where this leads me!
It's fun to hear the behind the scenes of other women's businesses, so I'd love to hear your wins for 2019 and what you are working towards in 2020. Let me know in the comments below so I can cheer you on!
Is one of your 2020 goals to have a website your truly love, that’s completely aligned with the level of service you provide and that books you dream clients easily? If so, it’s time to make this a reality!
I help coaches and creative entrepreneurs to stand out online with websites and branding that gets them noticed and book them clients. If you’re ready to show up powerfully online and to grow your business, there’s no better time than now to book a free discovery call to chat about how we can make this happen!